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hello alumni!

The Kesem magic does not need to stop once you graduate! We love our alumni and would love to hear about where you are. Please fill out the link so we can keep up with you!

If you know any other alumni, please share the link with them as well! 

Camp Kesem Duke would not be how we are without y'all! Thank you for being a part of our family. 

As this website continues to grow, this will be your go to page on Camp Kesem as an alumnus! 

Giving Tuesday 

TLDR; Giving Tuesday is December 1, 2020! Check out the alumni classy page to help raise money!

Alumni Classy Page:

On December 1, 2020, Camp Kesem at Duke University is participating in a global day of giving - #GivingTuesday. 

Our goal is to raise $50,000 and we could use your help. The most important thing you can do for our chapter on #GivingTuesday is to help us spread the word to your personal network. 

You can donate to some of our member’s fundraising pages on the big day, and if you’d like to help fundraise on Giving Tuesday yourself, we’re having an alumni team classy page that you can share with your friends and family!
More information to come, but find the page at

Remember to mark Tuesday, December 1st on your calendar, and get ready to be part of something huge! No matter how you choose to participate, we're honored to have your past, present, and future support. 

Thanks in advance for your support of our #GivingTuesday success! 

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