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CK Duke Directors’ Statement of Solidarity and Commitment to Anti-Racism

     The systemic tragic killings of black people must end. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. These

black individuals and so many more have been ripped from this world due to racist violence. A flashbulb memory,

that will be forever etched into our minds and hearts, is the murder of Trayvon Martin in 2012. It is so infuriating

and heartbreaking that so little has changed since then in terms of this nation’s disregard for black lives.

We know that specifically for our black community members there is a deeper, visceral pain when once again

another slain black person’s face flashes on the screen. We are thinking of you all and stand in solidarity with you

all as well as Black communities across the nation during this time of frustration and grief.

     Diversity, equity, and inclusion are great ideals that CK Duke proudly prioritizes. We fully recognize that

actualizing the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion is an on-going process. However, beyond even that, we

must strive to be anti-racist. We as a student group condemn racism, including structural racism - whether it’s in the

form of police brutality or disparities in access to cancer centers. Camp Kesem is a family that has taught us to

always show up for one another from moments of celebration to times of suffering. Now it is time to use that voice

and strength to demand change.

     If you consider yourself an ally of POC, we challenge you to check your privilege, educate yourself, and act.

As the poet and activist, Audre Lorde once said,”Revolution is not a one-time event.” We need to choose to be

anti-racist everyday in order to create a truly just and free society.

Enough is enough.

Here are the links to a number of resources suggested by various Duke student orgs:




(Credit: Duke Student Government and Duke Center for Race Relations)

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